he Hearing Professionals Association (Singapore) (HPAS) was recently formed with the mission to raise public hearing health awareness in our ageing population in Singapore.

Hearing loss is very common as we aged above 50 years old. Studies have also revealed that severe hearing loss can raise the risk of dementia up to 5 times. With positive hearing healthcare and better hearing, we can look forward to improving the quality of lives of our seniors in Singapore.

At our 56th National Day in 2021, HPAS together with our associated partners honoured our pioneers and senior citizens by giving away 7 pairs of hearing aids to those whose lives have been affected by hearing losses. These aids were fitted at our 7 member companies respectively.

We have promoted the details of this campaign on social media. Many applications were received and below are the 7 successful candidates.

The association is pleased to have improved their quality of life!

Name of candidate: Lye Ser Kuan

Candidate’s quote: With the hearing aids, I’m able to communicate much better with my family, friends and colleagues. My TV volume need not be tuned higher too. Another important aspect is that I can now hear bicycles ringing from behind which I feel is much safer for me to walk outdoor now.

Overall, the quality of my life has improved. Thank You

Brand: GN Resound
Name of clinic: Amazing Hearing

Name of candidate: Ho Weng Toh

Candidate’s quote: At age 101, I feel handicapped having poor hearing and have the strong urge to connect and interact with those around me. This hearing aid will give me a better quality of life by enabling me to hear and communicate with others. It will allow me to follow up with world affairs and hold important dialogues with the ones I care about.

Brand: Signia
Name of clinic: AudioLocket

Name of candidate: Ong Tian Huat

Candidate’s quote: I have noise induced deafness due to my past work experience in a shipyard environment. I have suffered more than 10 years not hearing my family and friends clearly.

It is such a joy to receive this pair of hearing aids from Clariti and the association. It has boosted my confidence whenever I communicate with others. My productivity at work has also improved. My life is completely changed.

Brand: Phonak
Name of clinic: Clariti – Hearing Care Professionals

Name of candidate : Lim Tong Chin

Candidate’s quote: I suffer from poor hearing due to job related health hazard for many years. Hearing loss affects the social interaction and beautiful sounds around me.

With the new hearing aid, I can have a smoother and clearer daily conversation with family members, friends and company colleagues. Miscommunication between both parties is greatly reduced resulting in lesser argument and misunderstood conversations during gatherings and meetings. With clearer sound, there is lesser frustration to repeat the conversation among my family members and friends. Moreover, it also reduces the perception of me being proud and snobbish when I fail to respond to greetings and conversation. While driving on the road, I can hear other motorist horn thus enhancing the safety of my driving. Although this model does not have Bluetooth audio and hand phone streaming, I still can enjoy music, TV programs and hand phone audio communication streaming through my previous ear aid model. Overall I am very happy that it reduces the murmurs and very soft sound I used to hear.

Thanks to HPA SG 56 birthday gift and Miss Divya from The Hearing Centre for her professionalism in configuring and fitting the device and her clear instructions and guidance on how to use the hearing aid.

Brand: Starkey
Name of clinic: The Hearing Centre

Name of candidate: Tan Keng Lee

Candidate’s quote: It has been a while now that I’ve experienced some hearing loss. You will know when this happens – car radio and television volumes have to be tuned on high and almost impossible to have a proper phone conversation.

Now having the help of hearing aids have definitely improved my hearing, communication and interaction with family and friends.
Anyone who has problems with hearing should seek help like I did and am glad to say my hearing has improved by leaps and bounds.

Brand: Phonak
Name of clinic: iHear Center Pte Ltd

Name of candidate: Chong Chee Kong

Candidate’s quote: As a taxi driver, there were times before that I cannot always understand my passengers clearly. It can be embarrassing and frustrating at times. Now I can even hear when I am not facing my passengers. My hearing aids are connected to my mobile and I can make volume adjustment via the Oticon ON app. I know that even as my hearing gets worse as I grow older, wearing hearing aids every day will help me regain my confidence in my daily work and social interactions.

Brand: Oticon
Name of clinic: KIND HEARING

Name of candidate: Moh Wai Feen

Candidate’s quote: With the hearing aids, I am able converse better with my family and friends and hear myself clearly now. I enjoy listening to music too. My family and friends will not need to raise their voice anymore.

I am also able to perform more efficiently with the task given at work. I am able to process what my colleagues put across during meetings.

I believe my brain also process information faster and better with hearing aids. This reduces the stress level I used to face at work.

In a summary, I have hopes this hearing aids will enhance my quality in life mentally and physically and also aids in my health.

Brand: Signia
Name of clinic: The Listening Lab

Our Associated Partners

Signia Hearing Aids
Phonak: Hearing Aids and Solutions

Patron Members

Amazing Hearing Group Pte Ltd
Amazing Hearing Group Pte Ltd
AudioLocket Pte Ltd
Clariti Hearing Pte Ltd
Clariti Hearing Pte Ltd
iHear Center Pte Ltd
iHear Center Pte Ltd
The Hearing Centre Pte Ltd
The Hearing Centre Pte Ltd
Kind Hearing Pte Ltd
Kind Hearing Pte Ltd
The Listening Lab Pte Ltd
The Listening Lab Pte Ltd
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